Interior Design studio & store

De Le Cuona



De Le Cuona uses only the best quality Belgian and French linen fibres. The Flanders region is the best for linen growing and production because of the geographical location. The Atlantic climate and extremely rich soil allows the flax to grow at its highest of 80cm. The longer the fibre, the higher the quality of the linen. Using long fibres reduces the number of knots on the fabric surface.

To ensure the highest quality, several batches of flax from different fields, areas and years have to be mixed together by specialist spinners. The better the batches used for the mix, the higher the quality of linen fabric achieved. As a result of using the longest fibre and mixing the highest quantities of batches, De Le Cuona achieves some of the most luxurious linen products available.

Working with select farmers means keeping track of the entire process of the linen production from the moment the seeds are planted to the finished linen fabric.